Software Platform Advancement

Particle41 Team
October 7, 2023

Advancement of Software Platforms in the New Normal

With the advancement of technology, gadgets have become an integral part of the social spectrum and livelihood. With the recent global health crisis and the emergence of a new social distancing era, we anticipate some crucial system transformations in the public space.

We — The Social Being

We live in a social structure where we interact and act together with the intensive use of technology. The use of a lot of shared services in public space which involved interactive systems and gadgets is part of that. So it follows that new transformations are going to demand extensive improvement in usability and accessibility. So the software platforms need to evolve to serve this purpose mainly in the area of user interaction.

Zero-Touch Approach

We can expect a substantial technological shift towards zero or minimal touch software systems in the public space. So familiar gadgets that reduce the human-to-computer interaction in places like Banks (ATMs), Offices (Biometric systems), Airports (Interactive Kiosk systems), etc will expand.

Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and sensor-based systems will see a great push in daily use. Imagine, entering a store and the AR system shows you item details without needing to pick anything up. Or a virtual reality conference system, where you can conduct your office daily stand up meetings.

New transformations in HR management software and infrastructure

Institutions are adopting new normals like work from home, virtual classrooms, and virtual workplaces. Governments are trying to reach more individuals to provide social benefits. Blockchain-based systems are uniquely suited to verifying, securing, and sharing data. There is a great scope advancing these systems to provide better infrastructure for digital identities, data security, secure payments, supply chain system, and building a robust social infrastructure.

We have already accepted the IoT as an integral part of our life. But there is still a lot to be done to introduce its shared usage in the public space. So more advanced IoT systems with technologies like X Reality and Spacial computing can help penetrate the public space deeper in this new era of social distancing.


Certainly, the crisis is a classic case of unknown-unknowns that has shaken the whole world. But we have shown great strength to fight this battle and technology has played a vital role to strengthen us. It has also shown us new avenues to explore and scope of improvements. Technologies like VR, AR, IoT, and Blockchain will play an important role to build solutions for an easy, secure, stable, and better society.

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